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"Changing your relationships on the outside starts with yourself."

More about Vanessa Isabella

Hi, I'm Vanessa Isabella and now I love setting boundaries, standing up for myself and doing the things that feel right. And believe me, it wasn't always like this.   

But let's start from the beginning:

I was 19 years old when I met my abusive partner. I was exposed to psychological and physical violence for 3 years and didn't know how to get out of the relationship. I completely lost myself in this relationship, no longer knew who I was and always thought twice about expressing my opinion as I never knew what mood my partner was in today and how he would react. I was in an emotional prison and subconsciously I felt that I couldn't keep this up my whole life, but after every break-up it felt like someone was ripping my heart out of my chest and eventually I convinced myself that it wasn't so bad what was happening in this relationship. Until that one day when I came across the term “narcissism” for the first time.


From that moment on, everything changed. I was finally able to understand the behavior of my partner at the time and realized what manipulative strategies he was using. I read articles, listened to podcasts and watched every YouTube video I could find to recognize and understand the scams. Step by step, I was able to understand his behavior and my reaction to it and free myself from this toxic relationship. I would be lying if I said it was easy. Anything but. However, I realized how much strength and power I had in me, even though I thought I was at the end of my tether.     


That was the conscious start of my journey to myself. I started to question myself and get out of the victim role. I realized relatively quickly that there was no point in blaming my partner at the time for everything and trying to change him or trying to convince him to question his behaviour and make him aware of the pain he was causing me. Instead, I understood that I could only change my behavior and deal with myself in order to move on from this unhealthy relationship.

Since then, my personal development has never stopped and I love getting to know myself again and again, feeling my body again, seeing myself as a priority and being able to enjoy life with ease and to the full. The combination of psychological support and personal reflection and bodywork (energy work, meditation, yoga, breathwork, EFT, self coaching) has helped me to understand my behavior as well as that of my ex-partner within my violent relationship, to perceive my needs and my own body again and finally to recognize, understand and resolve my fears and traumas.    


At the time, I couldn't imagine being able to heal from these traumatic experiences. But today I know that it is possible if I trust in myself and forgive myself for letting this happen to me.

Based on my experience, I know exactly what it means to feel lost, to see no way out and to face uncomfortable issues such as my own fears. Through years of self-therapy and therapy with others, I have dealt intensively with the topics of self-love, self-worth, personal development and inner healing and would like to support you on your path to finding your way back to a self-determined life.

It's your time to shine!🦋

"To heal yourself, you need to look inside yourself."

The conscious start of my healing journey

I started to question myself and get out of the victim role. I realised relatively quickly that there was no point in blaming my partner at the time for everything and trying to change him or convince him to question his behaviour. Instead, I understood that I could only change my behaviour and deal with myself and my fears in order to stop attracting unhealthy relationships into my life in the future. I realised that I also had toxic patterns within me and that I had a very unhealthy relationship with myself. I knew that if I didn't face these patterns and fears, I would end up in unhealthy relationships again. So I set off on a journey to my inner self.

Since then, personal development has been my daily companion and I love getting to know myself again and again, feeling my body again, seeing myself as a priority and being able to enjoy life with more ease and to the full. Even though there will always be situations that trigger fears in me, I now know how to tackle them and resolve them permanently. The combination of psychological support and personal reflection and bodywork (energy work, meditation, yoga, breathwork, EFT, self-coaching) has helped me to understand my behaviour and that of others, to become aware of my needs and my own body again and ultimately to recognise, understand and resolve my fears and traumas. At the time, I couldn't imagine being able to heal from these traumatic experiences. But today I know that it is possible if I trust in myself and forgive myself for letting this happen to me.

Based on my experience, I know exactly what it means to feel lost, to see no way out and to face uncomfortable topics such as your own fears. Through more than seven years of self-therapy and therapy with others, as well as my current training as an Energetic Trauma Healing Coach, I have worked intensively on the topics of self-love, self-confidence and inner healing. Now I would like to give you these tools and support you on your way back to a self-determined life.

It's your time to shine!🦋

My Mission

is to help you create a connection between body, mind and soul. I offer you an opportunity to recognise and permanently release your own blockages through bodywork, energy work and personal development. We work with the conscious, subconscious and subtle levels. Only through your own commitment and willingness to work on yourself can you achieve lasting change. I will guide you through this process, but YOU are the one who is responsible for its realisation.

My Vision

is to help you recognise and heal old patterns and build a deeper, healthy relationship with yourself. In this way, you can lead a fulfilled and self-determined life in which you see yourself as a priority and radiate with self-love and self-confidence.

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