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Körnige Oberfläche

My coaching offers

Have you ever wondered when you stopped putting yourself first?

Your needs and desires always seem to take a back seat while you try to please everyone else. It's time to change that. Together we will strengthen your self-confidence, recognise your self-worth and rebuild your self-love.

My coaching programs take place exclusively online.

You can choose between a video call or a simple phone call.

It's your time to shine!

Are you interested in individual coaching, but aren't sure if it's really right for you?

I would like to point out that coaching is not a substitute for therapy or psychological care. As a coach, I work with various techniques and tools to support you in your personal development. I help you break out of old patterns, strengthen your self-esteem, reflect on yourself in order to strengthen your relationship with yourself and attract healthy relationships into your life in the future.

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