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Back to a self-determined life

When did you stop seeing yourself as a priority?

Do your needs and wishes always seem to take a back seat while you try to please everyone else?


It is time to

  • Pay attention to your needs again.

  • To let go of your self-doubt and insecurities.

  • To give yourself the love you deserve.

  • Set boundaries and stand up for yourself.

Hello, I'm Vanessa

Selflove and Self Healing Coach

I have made it my mission to help women remember how valuable they are, that they can stand up for themselves, that their needs are a priority, so that they can transform themselves into the best version of themselves again.

After a traumatic experience in my former toxic and violent relationship, my life changed enormously. I had to learn to cope on my own again, was able to build up my self-esteem and deal with my values and needs. I learned to raise my voice, set my own boundaries and learn to love myself. If I managed that, you can do it too. That's why it's my mission to support women like you in finding their way back to a self-determined life and seeing themselves as the most important person.

It’s your time to shine!


"I managed to heal from an abusive relationship, appreciate myself again &

resolve deep childhood wounds."


Your gift:
Recognize relationship patterns

Subscribe to the newsletter and I will send you the link to download the questionnaire "Recognizing relationship patterns" consisting of 7 questions to work through.

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The 6 Self Healing Phases

If you are in a toxic relationship (with yourself), you don't even realize at first that there is an unhealthy dynamic going on. As soon as you realize that this relationship is doing you more harm than good, you will ideally go through the following phases.

Self-knowledge & awareness

ou begin to recognize and understand toxic dynamics. You notice unhealthy patterns and begin to reflect on and question your own behavior.

Selfcare & emotional healing

Now it is important that you take good care of yourself. This can be physical, emotional and mental self-care. Consciously take time for yourself & deal with your beliefs, patterns and fears.


You accept the current situation and recognize the injury or imbalance instead of fighting against it. Once you have realized that this relationship with yourself is not good for you, it is important to make the decision to change something.

Reflection & Processing

In this phase, you reflect on your past relationships in order to understand patterns and process the emotional impact. This is extremely important to avoid falling back into the same patterns in the future.

Decision to change

You take responsibility for your own health and well-being. Now you can focus on your relationship with yourself and get to know yourself anew.

Reorientation & personal development

Now you can focus on your personal development and new goals. Find out how you want to shape your future and what and who contributes to your well-being.

"Together we will make your inner child shine again."

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